Its kinda funny. Some of my acquaintances have more than one lookalike. You will see.
I started off with Timeranger and went down. I will look into older sentai later.
This will be in order of find. ( I was looking thru the images on
Super Sentai Images. That blog has good pics.)
So first:
My friend who works/and is the son of the owner at a place I regularly go to looks somewhat like Masaru Nagai. Especially in this picture. I didnt watch Timeranger so
I cant tell if they are similar personally.
The place I regulary go to is a Japanes store. Shinji Kasahara does remind
me of one of the ex-employees I befriended.
He reminds me of a formerly very close cousin.
He is/was immature like Takeru Shibaki's character.
}~No Hurricanger~{
Koishiro Nishi. He looks like a sort of enemy of mine.
Not very similar in personality.
This is interesting. We had a party at my friends house one time. His cousinwas there. He saw Kamen Rider Zenonos on the computer. He said it reminded him of Beetleborgs.
Well, he looked like this. Koutaro Tanaka.
Yousuke Itou resembles my best friend of almost 10 years.
They are similar in personality. They are kinda laid back and pretty smart.
He looks like my uncle's aunt's giant dog, Kaiser. A bit.
There is a kid I know (AbareKiller lookalike's cousin) that gives me a Atsushi Hashimoto vibe.
My uncle kinda looks like Hiyora Matsumoto. They have similar hair styles.
I havent seen that uncle in years.
The cousin of the lookalikes of AbareKiller and MegiRed is Ayumi Beppu's lookalike.
They dont have the same personality though. I think its more on the lines of opposite personality.
The first time I saw Akashi i said, "Is that my uncle?"
Mitsuomi Takahashi and my uncle have similar voices.
There is a funny story behind his voice and Boukenger.
I watched an old Youtube video of a guy reviewing the Accellular(spell check).
It sounded like my uncle. Its funny.
My dad's high school friend. He and Sotaro have the same idea that they are ladies men. Even the same facial hair. He thinks all the women of the Philippines (home country) are in love with him.
He looks like my old friend. I havent seen him in a while.
Yasuhisa Furuhara's character of Souske isnt like my friend. Sousuke wasnt sneaky.
She reminds me of my friends cousin. She is the same age as Rina, I think. I dont really know her so I cant compare them further.
Morita instantly reminded me of my friends(twins). More one than the other. They have similar personalities.
Multiple LookAlikes:
Set 1:
He mostly looks like Shogo Suzuki. Even acts the same and has the same clothing style as Chiaki.
Like Kotoha/Morita Suzuka, Shogo reminded me of my friend right away.

Kei Horie's character and my friend are opposite in peronality.
My bro said he looks like this but I dont know.
Set 2:
A friend who doesnt talk to me anymore even though we pass by each other every week or so.

Manpei. Manpei. Manpei. Their resemblance is quite astounding.
Personality-wise. Not so much.
The next three are other of his look-alikes. No need to elaborate:
Tsyyoshi Hayashi
Kaoru Abe
Keisuke Sohma
Last but not least:
~~~~~Set 3~~~~~
This is somewhat chonological.
She, then, reminded me of Haruka Suenaga. She still does. My bro even thinks so. But lately........

Yup, Kinoshitsa Ayumi.